Photographing London at night was an exciting experience. I would dare compare London with a very old witch that has discovered the secret of being forever young.She is not a beautiful witch, I would even say that she is a filthy,smart,sleazy witch that wears sluttish lingerie under her rags.
It is my belief,Watson, founded upon my experience, that the lowest and vilest alleys inLondon do not present a more dreadful record of sin than does the smiling and beautiful countryside.
-Doyle, SirArthur ConanThe Adventures of Sherlock Holmes,'The Copper Beeches'

This is a London particular† A fog, miss.
London is enchanting. I step out upon a tawny coloured magic carpet, it seems, and get carried into beauty without raising a finger† People pop in and out, lightly, divertingly like rabbits; and I look down Southampton Row, wet as a seal's back or red and yellow with sunshine, and watch the omnibuses going and coming and hear the old crazy organs.One of these days I will write about London, and how it takes up the private life and carries it on, without any effort.
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