Saturday, May 19, 2012

Some more studio practice

Some more studio work. Fun times in the studio using a soft box and reflector and my faithful Nikon D90.

My beautiful friend Ana


Assisting work - Asli Kolcu photographer

I assisted very talented photographer Asli Kolcu on a few photo shoots.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Painting with flowers ...

I just thought I could paint with flowers so I tried to get an interesting effect using a very shallow depth of field using my 50 mm lens. 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

London Dolls' Houses and Toys

I have been posting on my FB page for the past 2 weeks some photos from a very cute shop in Hampstead that I found to do my photo shoot for my editorial project at college. It is a shop were you find pretty much everything for your dolls' mansion :), so if you are thinking that your dolls house needs a new furniture then this is the very shop to go. The landlady of the dolls' houses is the very amazing, kind and most of all patient  Mrs Liliana who allowed me to intrude. Liliana is "preparing" the dolls food , meaning she is the one who puts together the miniatures but most of all the dishes for the dolls :). So because easter is approaching I caught her putting together little baskets of easter eggs :). Well everyone knows my little passion for dolls and miniatures so here is me interacting with the very mistress of the little mansions. Hoping that maybe in the future I will get to photograph all her miniatures and experiment some lighting and close angles.

So here are the photos shoot initially in Raw format and edited by me ... these are the ones that I was pleased with, there were some lighting issues as I am a beginner forever in the art of speed - light :). 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

work in progress for studio project

Final -  portrait / studio project

After  some hard work that I have enjoyed very much here are my final choices. I have shoot these photos  with medium format Hasselblad camera using Kodak 160 colour film . After some thinking I decided that the photos from the last photo shoot would be great as magazine covers. The one with the 'wink' was a clear ID magazine cover, their typographic  logo uncovers a winking smile. The photo in which Ashanti wears the black leather jacket was more in the Rolling Stone style .


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It has been a while since I have updated my blog. But fear not I wasn't lazy, I had a few projects going on , sure college is keeping me well busy :). We started with an abstract photography project, using our cute 35 mm film cameras and basically we just went out there to hunt for shapes, textures and an interesting light. A tedious job, for the first project, after a long kind of relaxing summer when your dark room skills also have majorly faded :) but I warmed up by the deadline :). Anyway here are, in my opinion, some of the good photos I managed "to kill" .
 These are SCANS of some of the PRINTS (yes the originals do look much better printed on Ilford multigrade resin coated glossy paper , and multigrade fiber base). I used my Praktica BC 1 35mm film camera / 55 mm lens, and Ilford FP5 400 ISO film.

After the first project, the second project followed ... like itwas expected :).The second project involved a bit more work as we were requested to produce some urban portraits/street photography using a medium format camera (OH JOY !!:) ), but wait .... using also a flash unit ... yes fill in flash.Good fun!
I really wanted to go and explore the Occupay London/St Paulsarea, and so I did.
Those are just scans of TEST PRINTS , not scans of the actual final prints which are at the moment with my tutors :) , so again the final printslook very nice as I have worked very much in the dark room to get nice black and white prints.
Here are some of the good ones :) , My LUBITEL 166B was very helpful, a nice toy /75mm lens f:4.5.



And a portrait taken with a Bronica camera using fill in flash: